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Since school is considered an organization having all its status and students enrollment is

51.6% of the population in Lebanon (Word bank 2009), several determinants influence its

structure to keep it reputed, from the top management to the client (student), to the

stakeholder interference (parent), and those mentioned play the role of sustaining the school

success when implementing the Quality Management System.

In the second part, a Lebanese Private Catholic School “R School” was selected in chapter

three as a sample; a questionnaire in this regard was distributed to parents, administrative staff

and teachers. The answers are assessed through factual observations considering school

parents’ choice and clarifying the term of “reputed school” based on the implementation of the

Quality Management System.

Finally in chapter four, the thesis describes in table one the actual situation of the “R school”

followed by table two as the roadmap to implement the Quality Management System and the

positive impact of this implementation and its consequences affecting positively parents’

choice and the pitfalls in this regard if any.

Questions that reveal the thesis and highlights on other criteria are the following:

Research Questions:

1. What are the factors that influence school reputation and sustain its success?


How Quality Management System can enhance school reputation and success?

3. What are the expected outcomes of the Quality Management System implementation

on parent’s school choice?